Jay’s Aircraft Maintenance, Inc. (JAMI) is a FAR Part 145 Certified Repair Station located at John Wayne Airport, JWA (FAR Part 139 and subject to CFR 49 part 1540 and 1542) which specializes in piston powered General Aviation aircraft weighing less than 12,500 lbs. As a Limited Service FBO, JAMI has been operating at the same four parcel, county leased plot of land since 1990.
Physical Facilities Description
- 36,000 ft² of land consisting of 4 individual parcels
- Approximately 200×110 ft. of ramp space providing approximately 22,000 ft² of space
- 10-12 outdoor tie-downs depending on aircraft size
- Four 60×55 ft. steel hangars providing 13,200 ft² of hangar space
- One 65×20 ft. storage, workshop, and hazardous waste area providing 1235 ft² of space
- One 35×8 ft. parts room providing 280 ft² of parts space
- 3 private offices of varying dimensions providing a total of 472 ft² of office space
- One 8×9 ft. maintenance publication library providing 72 ft² of space
- Two 9×9 ft. customer restrooms proving 162 ft² of space
- 8 available customer parking spaces

Service Capability
As a part 145 Certified FAA Repair Station, JAMI is held to a higher standard than most. Our designated FAA inspector is required to perform unscheduled visits to inspect our facility and ensure we are adhering to the standards set forth by the FAA. Our Repair Station certification also provides JAMI the ability to provide routine and general maintenance on all aircraft weighing less than 12,500 lbs. We are also certified to perform limited airframe and powerplant repair on the same classification of aircraft. In general terms, we can perform most ANY maintenance or repair on most ANY piston powered aircraft weighing less than 12,500lbs. Furthermore, in 2007 JAMI applied and was made an Authorized Cessna Service Station (Textron). This prestigious honor provides JAMI with mountains of proprietary data and maintenance related information that cannot be sourced anywhere else. This designation also provides JAMI with superior pricing and availability of Cessna and Beechcraft Parts which allows us to pass on these savings to our customers as well as service all warranty claims related to Cessna Aircraft. Lastly, Jay and Amir Ghanbarzadeh are both multi-engine rated pilots and provide our customers with the assurance of test flying aircraft if requested. Jay can also personally provided recovery services for disabled aircraft throughout the US and Mexico that require temporary repair and flight in unconventional locations.
Service Transactions
JAMI has over 450 active aircraft within its database. It has taken nearly 40 years to build this base for servicing roughly 70% of all piston aircraft based at JWA. The remaining 30% of our customers fly in from other airports to take advantage of our expertise and reputation. In 2016 JAMI maintained aircraft totaling over 530 service transactions. In 2017 JAMI increased its serviced aircraft to nearly 200 totaling 525 service transactions, of which 10% were new customers that had never used JAMI in the past. Our location has seen a 17% growth in new customers since 2013.
Jay’s Aircraft Maintenance Repair Facility Experience
Jay’s Aircraft Maintenance, Inc (JAMI) experience dates back to 1978 when the company was first founded. After incorporating in 1989 JAMI constructed hangars at its current location on the West Side of John Wayne Airport (JWA). Since that time JAMI has applied and been granted an FAA Certified Repair Station designation and Authorized Cessna Service Center (Textron Aviation). In past years JAMI has also been a Columbia Service Center, Aerospatiale Service Center, and Cirrus Service Center. The wide range of aircraft that we perform maintenance on includes but are not limited to manufactures Cessna, Beechcraft, Cirrus, Mooney, Piper, Socata, Lancair, Stinson, American Champion, Aviat/Christian, Diamond, Commander, Rockwell, Maule, and DeHavilland.

As an FAA Certified Repair Station, we are required to maintain our facilities and employees to FAA standards and are frequently inspected to be in compliance with these standards. These standards have built our reputation as a well-respected and trusted Limited Service FBO Repair Facility here at JWA.
Jay Ghanbarzadeh has been the same steady guiding force since 1978 which has allowed JAMI to grow into the company it is today. Jay’s hands on management style ensures that all employees feel part of “the family” as well as ensuring all customers feel cared for as friends and not just an N-number. This vision has been adopted by Vice President, Amir Ghanbarzadeh as well, guaranteeing that regardless of whom either person interacts with, the same quality and care is shown. Customer input is frequently sought by JAMI to ensure all expectations are met and that any questions or concerns can be answered. Our customers have always enjoyed competitive pricing of parts and shop labor rates. JAMI currently has the lowest shop rate at JWA at $110.00 per hour when it comes to aircraft maintenance.
Aircraft Storage
When Jay’s Aircraft Maintenance, Inc (JAMI) originally funded and constructed its Limited Service FBO in 1990 here at John Wayne Airport (JWA), the need for hangar space was not pertinent. However, as the customer base swelled and aircraft values increased, hangar space became highly sought after. By 1997 JAMI approached JWA with plans for expansion. This expansion would include company funded construction consisting of two additional hangars. This satisfied two issues that had manifested in light of the recent aviation popularity. Primarily it provided JAMI with additional hangar space compensating for the increase in customers and workload.

No longer would JAMI be subject to delays or constant movement of airplanes to complete long and extensive maintenance jobs. Secondly, it satisfied the constant need for aircraft hangar storage. JAMI provides all hangared aircraft with staging services. Our customers notify JAMI of scheduled flight and required fuel if needed. The hangar is opened, aircraft staged, and if required fueled by either of the two full service FBOs located at JWA. If the scheduled flight falls on a holiday or after JAMI business hours, the aircraft is removed and staged at the latest possible day before the scheduled flight. In emergency situations JAMI provides its customers with contact information required to have the aircraft available or answer any mechanical/maintenance questions.
Since 1990 JAMI has always had tie-down space available. Our unique location and ramp shape allows the company to provide roughly 10-12 tie-down spaces depending on aircraft size. These tie-downs have been used for temporary aircraft parking due to maintenance, aircraft staging, unexpected delays, and temporary parking. Due to the close proximity to our hangars and constant movement, we provide the same staging service for tie-down customers as hangar tenants.
Storage Overview
Two 60×55 ft. steel hangars since 1997
- Currently housing 5 aircraft (Cessna 206, Beechcraft Duke B60, Stinson 108, Piper PA31-310 Navajo, and Cessna 414A.)
- Towing, staging, and storage services provided
10-12 Tie-down spaces since 1990
- Currently tie downed 10 aircraft (5 twin engine)
Towing, staging, and storage services provided
N/A, not applying for Full Service FBO
Airport Relations
Jay’s Aircraft Maintenance, Inc (JAMI) has always had excellent rapport with all airport tenants and county personnel. With the current niche service that JAMI provides, we have built a reputation as a source of information regarding how to handle light aircraft emergency recovery, areas of improvement for airfield operations affecting light aircraft, and FBO recommendations. Furthermore, JAMI has sponsored and participated in numerous community benefiting events including, Girl and Boy Scouts of America, LIGA and Flying Doctors of Mercy, Orange County Pilots Association, and Orange Coast College Aviation Technology Program. JAMI attends monthly safety meetings that John Wayne Airport schedules as well as bi monthly JWA Commissioner Meetings. We have frequently been approached by JWA for information regarding the current state of General Aviation and possible avenues of improvement that our customers are requesting.

JWA and JWA Fire Authority
JWA has excellent disaster exercises and has always involved all FBOs in training. Mandatory safety meetings outline procedures to adhere to during an event. JAMI follows lock down procedures and awaits direction from the OC Sheriff or JWA personnel as part of disaster protocols. The JWA Fire Authority (JWAFA) and JAMI have always had an excellent relationship. Aside from maintaining some personal aircraft of the fire fighters, we are frequently visited seeking advice or direction regarding aircraft emergency recovery and training. When JWAFA acquired new equipment to aid in removing disabled aircraft from active runways and taxiways, they visited our location. Explaining the new equipment, JAMI was able to provide assistance with where most aircraft can be hoisted, towed, and ultimately moved without creating additional safety hazards as well as preserving the aircraft from further damage. We have also been approached for possible specialized rigging of aircraft to ease training of emergency situations.
JAMI has participated in numerous community benefits. Most notably, working with OCC in providing internship programs with the school for prospective A&P mechanics. Over the years JAMI has had roughly 25 interns all from the OCC Program. Jay has been a member with LIGA, The Flying Doctors of Mercy, and The Flying Samaritans which are organizations that provide free medical clinics for impoverished towns in Mexico. JAMI has hosted the 99’s Orange County Chapter (International Organization of Women Pilots) in providing tours of our facilities and hands on experience of small General Aviation aircraft. Lastly, as member and sponsor of The Orange County Pilots Association, JAMI has donated maintenance vouchers for their annual raffle. Many of our customers are long tenured members and have helped new members with service questions and advice regardless if they decide to use JAMI.